Inspire Someone to Face their Fears and Take a Leap of Faith into the Light!

The message “Be Fearless”, is a simple yet powerful statement and causes me to reflect on my own life and how that principle has impacted me during the past year.

An example of Being Fearless to me is witnessing my 16-year-old granddaughter write a book as a sophomore in High School. It’s not as if she had a lot of free time on her hands. She was a top student academically, was super involved with the drama department as the stage manager, was very active in civic and church activities, was/is an exemplary older sister, and oh yeah, she also had a social life.

The question, how did she find time to start an enormous personal project like writing a book? I’m not sure I know all the answer details to that question, but I do know that she worked at it constantly, little by little until it became a reality, and her book was born, entitled, “All for Him.” It’s one thing to think about doing something, and quite another to actually start doing it. Like many ideas and aspirations each of us contemplate, it’s the actual starting step that stops most great ideas. Suffice it to say that I’m extremely proud of her for starting, enduring, and completing the enormous task of publishing a fiction-themed book and all the while managing the many activities she dealt with while still in high school. More importantly, this goal to face an enormous challenge of writing a book, filled with countless challenges and justifiable reasons to quit, did not get the best of her. She persisted. An important note; this idea of my granddaughter writing a book was not motivated by a school project, rather, just her fearless desire to embrace her passions against the unknown. She faced her fears with style!

How did her example influence me? The pandemic shut down my training business like it shut down millions of other businesses around the globe. Since I was not working, my granddaughter’s fearless example inspired me to do something constructive and face my fear of writing the book I have been talking about for 15 years. So I took a deep breath and dove into my project. During the 2020/2021 pandemic, I looked the fear of Covid in the face, and on the wings of inspiration emanating from my granddaughter’s example, I started my project. Less than nine months later I launched my book, The Power of Strategic Influence, which became a #1 bestseller on July 1st, 2021.

Choosing to face your fears will definitely benefit you personally, but you never know how it may impact others who witness your courage while doing it. I think of it as kind of a FEARLESS PAY IT FORWARD principle.

When you face fear and darkness, take note, because success and light are closer than you think. Rise up, take courage, take a large leap of faith INTO THE LIGHT, and discover your inner power to FACE YOUR FEARS and to SUCCEED!

“When you arrive at a position of success and influence, make the conscious decision to transition from a go-getter to a “go-giver.” The Power of Strategic Influence

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